Time Attack. Round 5 Croft. Driver, Jonny Roose
We attended a track day at Croft on the Friday before Time Attack on Saturday. In one practise session we had an off at Jim Clark Esses. This broke the front splitter off the car. We decided to run in time attack without it. Time Attack warm-up and practise: Conditions were dry. Took both these sessions on lowest boost. settings. Car showing good handling and plenty of grip. Qualifying: Dry conditions: Drove the car hard with 90% of the engine power. Came P2 posting a time of 1.35.713. Final: Conditions dry. Went out on 90% of engine power. Laps 5 & 6 did 2 fast laps and came into the pits. Reset tyre pressures and turned the engine up to maximum power. Lap 9 we managed our fastest time of 1.35.038. Jonny complaining of low boost pressure for the remaining 2 laps. Checked the car over and found the boost pipe had fouled on the exhaust and punctured. Extremely happy with the result. Jonny Roose came so close to winning at Croft but finished a close runner-up in both points-scoring sessions. In qualifying Jonny finished just 0.358s behind Mark Flook, posting a best of 1:35.713 on his final qualifying lap in his Lancer Evo VIII. In the final, Jonny went almost a second faster, setting a 1:35.038 on his last flat-out lap. Sadly, it was still 0.226 behind Flook in the GT-R. Still, it was a great battle to watch and Jonny was well clear of his next fastest rival. - See more at: http://www.timeattack.co.uk/event-report-croft-rd-5-pocket-rocketclubman/#sthash.cCsq0mAk.dpuf